Here's where I actually explain the code, line by line, for a more detailed explanation to the code:
And here's the actual C code if you want to compile it yourself and play with your own SVG implementations. HOWEVER DO NOT JUST COPY MY CODE AND USE IT IN YOUR OWN PROJECT IF YOU ARE COMING FROM THE VALENCIA C CLASS (you won't learn and I'm pretty sure the professor will know). Use just snippets of the code, like the bit that writes directly to the HTML file instead of you having to copy and paste the code. Seriously! I'm posting this to help y'all (and as a documentation of my progress in C), not to do your homework for you!
NOTE: You do not need an HTML file titled "animateSVG.html" pre-existing for the code to work. The code will generate it for you. You can change this to .txt if you prefer, but you can just open the HTML file with NotePad or other text editor if you'd like to view it.
#include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> int main() { //This part will generate an html file to write to FILE *f = fopen("animateSVG.html", "w"); if (f == NULL) { printf("Error opening file!\n"); exit(1); } //For some reason my function had to be inside main; I assume it's because it needs to write to f and F //isn't really a passable value AFAIK void rectDraw(int rectHue) { fprintf(f,"<svg width=\"150\" height=\"150\">\n"); fprintf(f,"\t<rect x=\"0\" y=\"0\" width=\"150\" height=\"150\" style=\"fill:hsl(%d, 100%%, 59%%);fill-opacity:1;\" />\n", rectHue); fprintf(f,"</svg>\n"); //The rectHue is passed into the color value for the square. This will vary based on a following for loop. //fprintf is used instead of printf to write to the document. } fprintf(f,"<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n<body>\n"); for(int i = 1; i <= 360; i++){ //360 seems to be the number of steps for a HSL spectrum. rectDraw(i); } fprintf(f,"<style>\n"); fprintf(f,"\tsvg:hover{\n\t\ttransform: rotate(360deg);\n\t\topacity: 0;\n\t\ttransition-duration: 3s;\n"); fprintf(f,"</style>"); fprintf(f,"</body>\n</html>"); fclose(f); printf("SVG saved to \"animateSVG.html\"\n"); //Verifies that the file did in fact write. }